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**The light of my reader delight Miss Addison Moore, author of the wildly popular Celestra Series was gracious enough to open herself up to my prying mind for a little Q&A. After I calmed down from 'psycho-fan-girl' status, I compiled the following list of what I was just dieing to know.. and she did NOT dissapoint! Great thanks goes out to this amazing woman for sharing her thoughts with me, and taking the time to address her fans with humility, gratitude, and most importantly, LOVE! I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have ! If you haven't read The Celestra Series (whaaattt???) Now's your chance to get started! Enter to win the first book Ethereal by commenting on this post. FIVE winners will be chosen at random and announced on Monday, 5/28/2012. If you enter anonymously, be sure to include a contact e-mail. A single comment is all that is required for entry. Of course, If you WANTED to follow the blog/FACEBOOK/TWITTER, or share my page.. that's totally okay too ;)Thank you, and good luck! -- Tyra
**Update - Addison just gave me the go ahead to add a SIGNED bookmark to the pot, so make sure you're leaving a comment, and getting entered to win this awesome prize!
Addison -Thank you SO much Book
snobs for having me! I’m super thrilled to be here!
All about Addison: The woman, The writer…
1. How did you get started writing? Was it
always a dream of yours, or something that you happened upon?
AM: I’ve always
written. I think most writers are born with a pencil in their hand! I can’t
relax unless I’m reading a book or working on one. It’s like breathing. I have
to do it to survive.
2. Do you need anything special when you write?
AM: I need the strangest item and I’m embarrassed to say, but I need to wear sound
protecting earmuffs, the kind they wear on the runway to help land 747’s. I
need to block out all the noise that my rambunctious household can generate.
I’m pretty sure they can give any 747 engine a run for its money.
3. When you’re not writing, what do you read for
inspiration or just enjoyment?
AM: I read everything! I read YA, women’s fiction,
romantic comedies, bestsellers. To me it’s like doing research and having fun
all at the same time!
4. If writing hadn’t panned out for you, what
other career path would you have followed?
AM: I would have still written. I can’t
imagine a life without creating stories. Aside from writing I worked as a
therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for over seven years. I’d probably be
doing that. The only reason I left was the simple fact the unit I worked on
5. Any advice for an aspiring young writer
hoping to tap into the success you’ve found?
AM: Read everything and write every
day. That’s it. It’s so important to keep on trucking even when it doesn’t look
too promising. Never give up. Don’t let others kill your dream. And don’t be
afraid to dream big.
6. What does being “Indie” mean to you?
AM: To me
being ‘indie’ simply means bypassing a congested network of red tape to get my
story out to readers. Ultimately readers are the gatekeepers and they vote with
their dollars what they would and wouldn’t like to buy or read. I love the
freedom and the speed in which I can put out novels. I consider ‘indie’ to mean
7. Self publishing vs. branching out with a
large publishing company… pros? Cons?
AM: I think there’s room for both. I have no
qualms with traditional publishing. I think the pros and cons are individual to
each writer so it’s something each person needs to take into consideration and
weigh for themselves. I’d love to do both, but I would never give up publishing
on my own to go exclusively traditional.
8. When did you first realize that your stories
would catch on, and make an impact in the hearts and minds of readers alike?
AM: It’s every writers dream to have readers. I’m very fortunate to have a group of
wonderful readers and I’m humbled by the fact so many of them have stopped in
to tell me via facebook, twitter, blogs, email, that they recommend my books to
their friends. It’s a gift to have such nice people enjoying your work.
9. What has been the biggest “OMG” moment for
you, in your writing career thus far?
AM: I think when I received the call that
20th Century Fox was interested in optioning my series for film. That was
beyond exciting.
10. Where would you just love to see your work
go in the future?
AM: I would love to see my readership expand and blossom. I
really do love my readers like family. The more the merrier, right?
Life on Paragon…
1. Your world and characters are so unique. HOW
did you come up with such an interesting concept?
AM: I have to confess I’m a
notorious daydreamer. I have bad case of losing myself in fantasyland whenever
the opportunity presents itself, or doesn’t. So in the midst of all this I imagined
an island with a fun group of semi-psychotic people and the rest is Celestra
2. Did you have the whole story mapped out in
your head when you began writing The Celestra Series? Or do you make it up as
you go?
AM: I’ve had the end with me before I ever penned the beginning. I need to
know where I’m going with a story. Once a long time ago I tried to ‘pants’
(wing) a story and ended up painting myself in a corner. It was the only story
I ever abandoned before I finished. I never forgot that, and now I outline
something concrete before I bother putting fingers to keyboard.
3. Had you anticipated what a raving success
your stories would be with readers like myself?
AM: Oh my gosh you are too kind!
I’m just thrilled to pieces that nice people like you are reading it. Whenever
a reader tells me they are rereading the series I nearly fall out of my chair.
I can’t thank readers enough for their kindness.
4. Um, Fox TV huh?? That’s got to be the coolest
thing since sliced bread! How did all that come about exactly?
AM: I know, right???
I honestly must say that was nothing short of a miracle. It’s been one wild
ride from the moment I hit publish with ETHEREAL. It’s just beyond words. I’m really
fortunate to have been picked up for film with the intent of turning it into a
TV series and if this were as far as it went I would still cherish this entire
experience. It’s been a surreal gift.
5. Any ambitions for how Paragon and its
residents will play out on the small screen, should it come to pass?
AM: I have no
idea what they plan on doing as far as how close to the books they would stick
but I for sure would love to read the scripts and see what they came up with. I
hope they would stick pretty close to Paragon and it’s foggy environment. I
have such a clear picture of how the island looks. As far as the characters I
suppose an actor or actress would bring each character to life in their own
unique way, and that would be a lot of fun to watch.
6. Who’s your favorite character to write for?
AM: Tad and Marshall, with Chloe bringing up the rear. I love all the dark humor
and quirkiness they involve.
7. Logan, Gage, Marshall Oh, My! If Sklya
weren’t in the picture, who would you snag for yourself?
AM: Can I say all three? I
love all three for very different reasons. I’ll give you my go-to answer and
say Marshall because I want to side-step Logan and Gage (I don’t like playing
favorites with those two because I love them so much).
8. With so many, how do you keep all the
characters and their separate storylines straight in your head?
AM: I don’t. I have
a storybook with everyone’s info, storyline and intention. My memory’s not
perfect by a long shot.
9. Which of your characters do you think your
readers are most opinionated about?
AM: Skyla for sure with Marshall as a close
second. I think with Skyla, she’s feisty and prone to gravitate towards
disaster which is a writers dream, but some readers find that a difficult
combination. Marshall is an acquired taste, but oh what a heavenly taste he is. 
10. Not everyone can have a happily ever after…
When the series wraps with the final book, any plans for a spin-off to follow
up with our favorite NON-main characters??
AM: Well, I do, but it’s not your
typical spin-off. I’m moving Skyla and the remaining characters to another
series that picks up pretty much where Celestra leaves off. Celestra is going
to end in a place that will hopefully leave readers satisfied in knowing who
Skyla ends up with, and, if they’re further interested in her life they can
follow the next series as well. I’ll divulge more info before book 8 hits the
e-shelves. I’m excited!!!
** All 6 books of The Celestra Series are currently available for purchase on Barnes & Noble and Smashwords, but of course, I personally recommend that you purchase from Amazon by clicking the pic/links below!